2007-08-01 07:11:39 UTC
Basic Question.
If you have a pop up form which you do not want to be shrinkable or
sizable, where do you set that?
ie in the top right of the form, there should just be a X (to close) and
no - to minimize, or block for maximizing.
Odd thing is I have two forms like this in my app (developed way back)
and I cannot see where I made the setting.
The form's position should also be static, ie not drag-able or
stretchable by the end user.
If you have a pop up form which you do not want to be shrinkable or
sizable, where do you set that?
ie in the top right of the form, there should just be a X (to close) and
no - to minimize, or block for maximizing.
Odd thing is I have two forms like this in my app (developed way back)
and I cannot see where I made the setting.
The form's position should also be static, ie not drag-able or
stretchable by the end user.