2007-07-27 10:31:24 UTC
Both from this BCB Help on TTable, and from the QuSoft Tut for Quick
Report 3, they suggest creating a table, using either DBDemos or BCDemos
as the DatabseName, and each time my BCB5 installation fails to find
such a Database.
I have no experience in Database programming, I am just trying to get
aquainted with Quick Report and TTable.
I would imagine one can use TTable for non database data, like from text
file etc, but each time I select something under TableName it insists on
asking me for a Username and Password.....what is that about..
Completely lost here....
DevGuide: Developing database applications
Building an example master/detail form
Topic groups
The following steps create a simple form in which a user can scroll
through customer records and display all orders for the current
customer. The master table is the CustomersTable table, and the detail
table is OrdersTable.
1 Place two TTable and two TDataSource components in a data module.
2 Set the properties of the first TTable component as follows:
DatabaseName: BCDEMOS
Name: CustomersTable
3 Set the properties of the second TTable component as follows:
DatabaseName: BCDEMOS
TableName: ORDERS
Name: OrdersTable
4 Set the properties of the first TDataSource component as follows:
Name: CustSource
DataSet: CustomersTable
Report 3, they suggest creating a table, using either DBDemos or BCDemos
as the DatabseName, and each time my BCB5 installation fails to find
such a Database.
I have no experience in Database programming, I am just trying to get
aquainted with Quick Report and TTable.
I would imagine one can use TTable for non database data, like from text
file etc, but each time I select something under TableName it insists on
asking me for a Username and Password.....what is that about..
Completely lost here....
DevGuide: Developing database applications
Building an example master/detail form
Topic groups
The following steps create a simple form in which a user can scroll
through customer records and display all orders for the current
customer. The master table is the CustomersTable table, and the detail
table is OrdersTable.
1 Place two TTable and two TDataSource components in a data module.
2 Set the properties of the first TTable component as follows:
DatabaseName: BCDEMOS
Name: CustomersTable
3 Set the properties of the second TTable component as follows:
DatabaseName: BCDEMOS
TableName: ORDERS
Name: OrdersTable
4 Set the properties of the first TDataSource component as follows:
Name: CustSource
DataSet: CustomersTable